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About Us

We started out as individuals each wanting to do something about the growing Syrian refugee crisis.

One email calling for volunteers resulted in the formation of Allenby Community Welcomes Refugees.

We have a solid plan, a solid community and a sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH).

Allenby Community Welcomes Refugees has also  joined the 1000 Schools Challenge, an initiative started by Dewson Public School, one of the first schools in Toronto to launch a fundraising campaign, very successfully, I might add.


We know that our community is a generous and tightly knit one. We also know that our neighbours and friends will have many questions. We are making it our priorty  to inform and to update the community as we go forward, all of us working together to reach our goal.


People from the community have been coming forward to help. We gratefully accept all volunteers. just drop us a line.


We believe, our community, has the resources to raise money for one family of four.

Please join us to end the suffering and despair of one refugee family, one contribution at time.


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